Projects at 90 Degrees Architects undergo a series of thorough phazes

Project Design Process

Data Collection

Personality and lifestyle study of the client
Requirements collection


Proposal of concept options
Proposal of potential ideas

Design Phaze

Presenting design drafts Production of design package

License and Supervision

Acquiring required permits Supervision of projects execution


about our firm

As an architecture firm, one of the most important approches we follow is that we believe in meaningful collaboration with our clients. We strive to create high-quality environments and outcomes while bringing their vision forward.

90 Degrees Architects and Consultants is a full-service design and engineering firm focused on innovative and smart architecture and engineering that aims to provide the clients with the best solutions for their projects.

Our firm partners up with well-established contractors and construction companies in the industry to make sure when our designs are translated to realty, it is done with high precision, accuracy and quality. Therefore 90 Degrees Architects will stand hand by hand with its clients to make sure they succeed in completing their projects the way it’s supposed to.


about our company

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build a home 0
give you the keys 0
sky is the limit 0
The Brains, Skills and Intelligence behind our Creations

meet our team of experts

Yaqoub Aboalhasan
Senior Architect & Founder
Ronald Quijano
Studio Manager
Sama'a Alshama'a
Senior Architect
Mohamad Yousef
Structural Engineer
Raneem Alramahi
Interior Designer
Ayah Ahmed
Interior Designer
Rahaf Safwan
Husain Jamali
Muzammil Jogilkar
Senior Draftsman
Mohammad Rashad
Senior Draftsman
Emad Mohamad
Emad Mohamad

wanting to work with us?

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